When I write this, BJP National Executive meeting has commenced in Panaji, Goa and this conclave is expected to crown Narendra Modi as the face of BJP in the 2014 General Election and probable Prime Ministerial candidate. Though deep schism has developed in the BJP leadership and its patriarch Lal Krishna Advani and his followers are boycotting the conclave, Narendra Modi is likely to be installed as the chairman of the National Election Campaign Committee to lead the party in 2014 General Election and to be projected as the Prime Ministerial candidate.
Like large
sections of the Indian electorate, I have my own fears and forebodings about Modi.
I firmly believe that he will be a danger to the multi-religious, multi-sub-cultural,
multi-linguistic plural India. He is a man for conformity even if it is forced
conformity like any fascist for whom diversity is anathema. The blood bath
after Godhra is still fresh in my memory. To punish the culprits of Godhra is
not the massacre of thousands of innocent people including women and children.
They should have been brought before law and punished. My firm belief is Modi
could have controlled and limited the intensity and massiveness of the carnage,
if not prevent it altogether.
Friends, I
wrote the above words two days ago and I was not able to continue since busy
otherwise for the last two days. I was away at Kottayam to address a seminar on
“Caste Politics and Kerala Society” and returned to Thrissur yesterday night.
On my return I received the expected news of appointment of Modi as the
Chairman of the National Election Campaign Committee of BJP and by implication
the Prime Ministerial candidate for 2014 national election. The fate of
L.K.Advani is surprising to even persons like me ideologically opposed to him
and I am really shocked by the insult, ingratitude and shoddy treatment meted
out by those groomed by him to this elder politician, who usually is described
as BJP Patriarch who built up the party
from the scratches. From a tally of 2 seats in Lok Sabha he lead it to become
the ruling party of India. In protest against electing Modi to the top slot he
boycotted the National Executive of BJP at Goa.
After Gujarat
carnage in 2002 in the National Executive held paradoxically in Goa itself
majority of its members including Prime Minister A.B. Vajapai wanted Modi to be
replaced as Chief Minsiter of Gujarat. It was the strong backing and formidable
support given by the ‘Iron Man’ Advani that saved the day for Modi. Otherwise
it would have been the end of Modi story that day. It is tragic that in the
National Executive in same Goa Modi made his unkindest cut of all against his
mentor and saviour. The story of Mayaben Kodnani, former minister in Gujarat
under Modi who has been convicted for Naroda Patiya massacre by a special court
for 28 years imprisonment, proves that Modi is so power hungry that he will
sacrifice anybody even his own colleagues for achieving his ambition. Since he
wanted to exhibit his newly proclaimed secular credentials to make his way
easier to be the PM’s throne, he wanted to dump Mayaben Kodnani by moving higher courts to convert Kodnani’s
28 year imprisonment to capital punishment. I am sure it was not without Modi’s
knowledge that Mrs. Kodnani incited people for Narodia Patiya massacre. This is
Modi. This power hungry man will do anything to realize his ambition, even if
by disowning his parents. No wonder he has thrown away Advani, his mentor and
savior, to the wolves.
I had spent
a lot of time in my life to study the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler, the
fuehrer and messiah of Nazi Party. From what I have read and learnt I am surprised
by the striking similarities between Hitler’s and Modi’s style of functioning. Deep
inside both are authoritarian and hated dissent and difference. The political situation of 1933 Germany and
2013 India is strikingly similar, a weak and spineless government in power at
the Centre with rampant corruption and inefficiency.
Many even
don’t know that Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany through a democratic
election. In the German national election conducted on March 5, 1933 the Nazi
party won only 288 seats, 36 seats short for an absolute majority. He made a
coalition with Nationalist Party and its 52 MPs gave Hitler his required
majority. German people never knew this would be the last election they would
vote for many years to come. The rest is history. He declared emergency
immediately after taking over as the Chancellor and even his coalition party
leaders were arrested and jailed. His
closest colleague and second in command who helped in building the Nazi Party
and organising the army of storm troopers called Brown Shirts, Ernst Roehm was
put under bars soon in 1934. Hitler himself arrested him and put in prison.
While in jail Hitler himself gave him a
pistol with the option either to shoot himself and commit suicide or be shot by
the Guards. Rohem took the former course to redeem his courage and honour.
Today Modi’s
promoters are the Indian corporate houses just like Hitler’s were the German
Corporates . At that time Hitler’s political and financial support came from industrialists
like Krupp Von Bohlen of Krupp Works, Emil Kirdorff, the mining baron, Fritz
Thyssen, the head of the Steel Trust, Albert Voegler of United Steel Works,
Georg von Schnitzler of I.G.Farben and so on. I can continue quoting a score or
more of names of German Industrialists who supported and financed Hitler. The
same is the case now in India. Modi is the darling of Indian Corporates and the
corporate owned media. They project Modi
as the messiah to save India from all evils with their selfish motives. If
another Nuremberg model trial happens in India in the future, such
industrialists surely will have to answer before it.
I feel sorry
and shocked by the abusive and vituperative comments against Advani by hordes
of Modi storm troopers in the social media. Respecting elders is the part of
Indian culture and those social media hooligans don’t know the cultural ethos
of India. The intolerance of fascist
Modi and his brigade of storm troopers is a pointer to the future.
Friends, don’t think I am spreading fears
without any basis or creating unnecessary panic. We have to learn from history and many a time
history repeats itself sometimes more tragically than before. My friends who
are admirers of Modi try to reassure me, but I am not reassured at all. The
Germans in 1933 never thought that such ghastly events will happen in their
country and were in a complacent mood, but had to pay the price with their and
others’ blood. I have a premonition that Hitlerism is at the door step of
India. My request to you is to think 100 times before you throw your weight
behind Modi. I will never ever believe this man. As long as I can move my
tongue, I will speak against him, as long as I can move my hand, I will write
against him.
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