Saturday 14 December 2013

Cartelization of Indian Politics

Those who know something about economics and finance understand what a cartel means. It is supposed that capitalism gives rise to competition between various industrial establishments producing same product or commodity. But the Indian version of capitalism is not competitive capitalism but crony capitalism which means those industrial houses close to the political powers get preferential treatment in the case of allotment of scarce natural resources and cheap finance from government and governmental agencies. Most of these industrial houses are working in collusion to exploit ordinary consumers and people at large. The companies in various industries form their own cartels to jack up prices of their products and commodities, and elicit maximum profit from the common people.
                        Take the example the cement industry. If production cost of one bag of cement is Rs200 and a company sells it at Rs250 per bag, their profit is Rs50. If some other company could produce a bag of the same quality cement at a cheaper rate of Rs190 and sell at Rs240, even then their profit is Rs50. Then people get the commodity 10 Rupees cheaper. If a cement company is prepared to forego Rs10 per bag in its profit so as to increase the quantity of sales and profits, then also the price of a bag of cement comes down to Rs 240. If yet another company is prepared to sell a bag of cement at Rs230 with a profit margin of only Rs30 in the hope of substantial increase of sales and profit, the other companies will have to follow suit or perish. Thus there will be competition among various cement producing companies and the ultimate beneficiary will be the consumer. That is what is called competitive capitalism. Instead of competitive pricing of cement, sometimes the cement companies may form a union called a cartel. The cartel fixes up a price of Rs300 far above the prevailing market price and no company in the cartel is allowed to sell below that rate. Then there will be no competition in the market and the consumer is bound to cough up Rs300 to buy a bag of cement. Thus the formation of cartels by companies is harmful to consumers.
                        I have explained so much in detail about cartelization of industries only to say that in India the conventional political parties have also formed their own cartel to cheat the people and enjoy the fruits of power. The powerful corporate houses act as the necessary adhesive to stick those political parties in the government and in the opposition together. The present UPA government is responsible for corruption to the tune of lakhs of crores of Rupees in 2G, Coalgate, even in the aborted S band scam etc., etc. Naturally the people of India expect that when the next government whether NDA or Third Front comes into power after election, the corrupt ministers and officials in the present UPA Government will be investigated, charge-sheeted and punished. But I have to definitely say that nothing is going to happen, nobody will be investigated, no cases will be charged and nobody will be punished because all parties are hand in glove in cheating the people. NDA or Third Front will protect UPA ministers while out of power and when UPA comes back again, they will protect the corrupt NDA or Third Front ministers. Politics has become a co-operative society of political parties to shield and protect each other while they pretend antagonism and enmity in public to hoodwink the people.
                        Take the example of Kerala where two strong alliances, United Democratic Front (UDF) and Left Democratic Front (LDF) are ruling for the past forty years. Various allegations of corruption had come up in this period against both UDF and LDF ministers and only one former minister Sri. R. Balakrishna Pillai of Kerala Congress (B) was prosecuted and jailed. But he spent not a single day in jail and was kept in a hospital with five star comforts for a few weeks and then released on some flimsy grounds of health and age.
                        This clearly shows that the conventional political parties in India have formed their own cartel. They are not in competition but in co-operation. They want to get power to commit fraud and corruption with the knowledge that when the other party or combination of parties comes to power next time, they will protect the present rulers.  All of them are in collusion and not in competition. The only remedy before the people is to take the broom (Aam Aadmi Party’s symbol) in their hands and clean the politics of India.

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