Tuesday 3 December 2013

Narendra Modi, Not Vikas Purush, but Vinash Purush

At any time in the past, Indian society was never so much polarized, so much divided and so much vitiated by communal and sectarian virus as now and perhaps the only exception is the election time after the destruction of Babri Masjid. The cause for this communal polarization of India is the advent of Narendra Modi as the prime ministerial candidate of BJP. He was handpicked from among the BJP leaders from his mentor and master, RSS.  Modi becomes a democrat before some people, vikas purush before others and hardcore hindutvavadi before Hindu communalists. He is fully backed by the Indian Industrial Corporates and the media owned by them in his attempt to conquer Delhi’s throne.
We know democracy is a product of capitalism. As time went on capitalism became corporate capitalism and then in recent times it became finance capitalism. And industrial and financial corporate houses began to control and manipulate democracy and democratic institutions. Even though democracy is the child of capitalism, capitalists allow it to function only as long as it is convenient and helpful for making unlimited profits, uncontrolled amassment of wealth and unbridled exploitation of the vital resources of the nation. The clear proof of this is the history of German Nazism. In the German election of 1933 in which Hitler’s Nazi party gained the reins of government in its hands, it was German corporate giants like Krupp, I B Farben, United Steels etc. that sponsored and financed Nazi Party knowing fully well that it will be the last democratic election in Germany. The same political situation prevails in India now:  a weak and corrupt government at the Centre and no credible leader to mobilize democratic forces against Modi backed by fascist RSS.
The quality of political discourse and propaganda has stooped to such lowest and dirtiest level in India since Modi came into the national scene. Blatant lies, unbaked untruths and half truths, and distortion of history are brandished at unsuspecting public. No scruples prevent Modi from distorting history and historical facts to his convenience. His greatest discovery recently was Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, leader of Hindu Mahasabha and founder of Jan Sangh, the former avatar of BJP, was a Gujarati. He calls Mahatmaji, a Gujarati by birth, as Mohanlal Gandhi instead of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Where is his Gujarati Asimitha if he even doesn’t know the correct name of the Father of the Nation who is a Gujarati? According to Modi the ancient Indian University Takshila was in Pakistan not in Bihar. Chandragupta belonged to Maurya dynasty and not Gupta dynasty. He says Jawaharlal Nehru didn’t attend Sardar Patel’s funeral which is a sinister lie. He confidently states that China spends 20 per cent of its GDP for education whereas the fact is that it is only 4 per cent. If this type of Goebbelsian falsification and distortion of history goes on, soon we will have to hear that it is not Naduram Godse who shot dead Mahatmaji, but Mahatmaji who shot dead Naduram Godse. 
Modi claims that his state is a model for development. What type of development is it?  Is the development of the Corporate houses that makes a state developed? Yes, it is undeniable that he has doled out more than enough for the industrial corporates. He has given unbridled freedom to them to exploit the land and natural resources of his state, that belong to all the people including the vagabonds in the streets of Gujarat. And these industrial houses show their gratitude by lavishly spending their money for his publicity and the media owned by them idolize him. The Gujarat government invested Rs.39179 crores in profit motivated enterprises and the average annual return is only 0.25% whereas the interest paid for this borrowed money is 7.75%. Where is the efficiency of the Modi Govt which Modi worshippers propagate from the house tops?
But the truth is that in most aspects, Gujarat is one of the least developed states in India. Neera Chandhoke points out in EPW “Gujarat’s performance in poverty reduction and human development has been poor compared to other states which are growing at a lower rate. According to the 2011 India Human Development Report, in the human development index the state slipped from the 5th rank in 1996, to the 9th rank in 2006. It is the worst performer in child malnutrition with 69.7% of children up to the age of five anaemic and 44.6% malnourished. Health indicators for the scheduled tribes (STs) are worse than that at the national level, and also poorer than that for other social groups in the state. According to the Global Hunger Index brought out by the International Food Policy Research Institute, India ranks 66 among the 88 countries listed. Among the five worst performers is Gujarat. Gujarat’s literacy rate is only marginally above the national average, and is extremely low in the tribal belt. In sum, Gujarat has proved to be one state where social welfare has not proved commensurate with increases in rates of economic growth.”
Kerala Chief Minister Oomman Chandy is reeling under a solar scandal, related to a bogus company Team Solar, for the last few months. Now Naredra Modi is also accused of a solar scandal in connection with his alleged unlawful snooping on a 30 year old lady architect in Bangalore. Modi government illegally allotted crores worth of solar energy contracts to a then unknown company, Gandhinagar Grid, under the ownership of the brother of this. Gandhinagar Grid didn’t have much previous experience in the field of generation of solar energy and strangely enough, this was the company which got the largest solar energy contract in India with no previous experience in the field, worth mentioning. The CAG has found irregularity in allotting solar contracts to a single company without competitive quotations by government institutions in Gujarat, thus resulting in loss of crores of Rupees of public money.
Subsequently the lady became estranged with Modi and fell in love with another person. During this period Modi arranged for snooping on the lady. In 2009 Mr.Amit Shah, then Home Minsiter of Gujarat under orders of Narendra Modi put the young lady under intense surveillance by Anti-Terrorist Squad flouting all norms and in blatant violation of various laws of the Land. The lady was relentlessly followed by Gujarat police across boundaries of states in shopping malls, restaurants, gyms etc., in her visit of relatives, when she went to see her mother in hospital, when she checked into hotels, when she took flights and practically  to every building she visited or stayed in. Her phones were tapped. This unlawful action of Modi is violation of Constitutional oath, negation of ‘Rights to Privacy’ enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution of India, gross abuse of State power and misuse of police machinery. This is a cognizable offence that requires the State to file an FIR for the violation of Section 5.2 of the Indian Telegraph Act and Section 354 D(ii) of the amended Indian Penal Code. Modi-bhakts’ defense is that her dady asked for it. Didn’t they know privacy and civil liberties of a woman cannot be ceded to the State even by her father? Paradoxically the same people who complain of the Congress Bureau of Investigation (CBI) misused the Anti-Terrorism Squad to snoop on a young lady.
I warn the people of India, as I have done on many previous occasions,  that these are all the portents of the Modi Raj some people are enthusiastically waiting for. 

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