Thursday 6 March 2014


Aam Aadmi Party is now just like a sheep being attacked by a pack of wolves. Rightists, Leftists, Centrists all have joined hands in attacking the young nascent political party. It cannot even be described as a political party in the conventional sense. It is rather a movement just like the Jasmine Revolution in the Middle East. AAP has become a symbol in the eyes of the Indian People, a symbol of fighting against all the evils in the political system and establishment existing in India. It has given rise to great expectations among the people of India and they expect the party to clean off all the dirt and filth accumulated in the political administration of the Nation in the last six decades.
                        Some accuse that AAP has no political ideology. We have seen many parties with sterling ideologies who have grossly deviated from their ideological paths and bartered people’s interest for their selfish gains. Look at the various Socialists and Lohiaists who were the most ideological politicians in the Indian history. Now these Lohiaist socialists are split into various political camps like different varieties of Janathaists, Samajwadis and Dals and all these ideologists have excelled in the art of corruption. Even the Marxist Socialists have degenerated to such immoral depth and degradation beyond any hope of redemption. This is amply proved by the influence that corrupt industrialists like Sack Radhakrisnan, Sandiago Martin, Faris Aboobacker and various mining mafia are wielding on the Communist (Marxist) Party in Kerala. So much for ideology. Ideology without action is a dead horse. We in Aam Aadmi Party are creating a new ideology through direct action for the benefit of the people. Mahatma Gandhi didn’t start freedom struggle preparing beforehand an ideology but an ideology was evolved through the struggle of the people.
                        Rightists say we are anarchists and Leftists say we are Capitalists. When large scale looting of people’s wealth, scarce national resources like coal, oil, gas and spectrum, and public money is taking place by corrupt industrialists in collusion with corrupt politicians, people will be compelled to wage war in a new form which may seem to some as anarchy. But whatever we do is for the good and welfare of the Indian people. To the Leftists I have to say that we are not against free and competitive private enterprise but we are dead against crony capitalism which benefits a few corrupt industrial corporate houses who are close to the seat of political power. Both Congress and BJP stand for the corrupt crony capitalists like Adani, Ambani etc. There will be no change in the corruption level of the country even if the darling of the corrupt Indian Corporates, Mr. Narendra Modi comes to power as Prime Minister. Apart from corruption the dangerous communal polarization of the country will also be hastened once Modi comes to power.
                        So AAP has taken up the fight against corrupt industrial corporates who rule India through their proxy politicians for the last six decades. Congress and Modi’s BJP are the two faces of the same corrupt industrialists and we will fight both these faces of the same evil with equal vehemence. As Arvind Kejriwal said, “Even if five of our MPs are in the next Lok Sabha, we will make it difficult for the corrupt to have their own way.”  So the fight has begun and let us charge forward.
                        JAI HIND!

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